Nestled in the shadow of the capitol rests the Texas Chili Parlor, a charming, rustic, honky-tonk with killer chili, nachos, and anything you like to drink. This is a cool, ancient bar, and we love to drink in the main room. BUT - here in Texas, you can bet our BUTS are bigger - the bathrooms in the T C P are a serial killer's wet dream. Creepy and closed in, but with plenty of angles to hide behind and peep at an unsuspecting user. Junkies, beware: there are no locks on the women's room door, and though there are two stalls, there is zero privacy, because there are no doors: just clear shower curtains. Lots of creepy graffiti spatter the asylum-white walls. I don't even want to pee in there, let alone poo! Oh Texas Chili Parlor, please, fix up your terlets.
(words & pics - butter)