It's fair to say that every punk's black heart shrunk and shriveled to a wee size when the news that Danzig would be headlining Fun Fun Fun Fest 4 broke in the 2009. Let me preface this by underlining the fact that, no, the toilet on Danzig's tour bus does NOT have a little step stool. The diminutive singer who xeroxed the logo that is now made into lunchboxes and lightswitch plates for the gothy set is also the world's darkest Elvis impersonator, which means Danzig could die on the toilet one day!! This toilet pic could be historical!! My first punk record was the Dead Kennedys, and in all honesty, I view Danzig as something of a punchline, so imagine the snickers when a poo blog pal somehow gained super VIP entry to Danzig's tour bus and was able to get this shot.
Fun (Fun Fun) fact: Via Facebook, I learned that the reason Danzig's drummer's riser is so high is because Danzig doesn't like to bend down to get his water. Ooo-kayyy.
butter posted this!
Another fun (fun fun) fact: According to a great column in the
Austin Chronicle, "Bringing the ceremony full circle, a fan took the stage after the band's festival closing apocalypse and, fulfilling a final wish,
spread the ashes of her deceased friend where Glenn Danzig last stood. 'To tell you the truth,' admits Transmission's James Moody, 'we were all a bit freaked out by it.'"
If only she knew about Danzig's toilet!